Sunday, December 16, 2007

52 Weeks

So, I have had this blog brewing in my soul for a couple of months now. Actually a series of blogs. Ideas, thoughts, wanting to be written. The problem is time. Time to sit and think. To be quiet. More so, the lack of it. It seems that as quickly as a thought occurs to me an interruption steals it away. I promise myself each time that I will save it away till later but then a new thought comes and the last one gets pushed deeper and gets lost in my brain. Well, it's quiet and I'm still awake. I'm all filled up with thoughts and feelings and they need to come out so here goes....

A year. Fifty-two Sundays. I am so thankful and amazed that God would give us fifty-two Sundays to so clearly and profoundly experience His incredible Grace, Mercy, and Love. You know, they say that if your heart is broken and you're in a funk you should go do something nice for someone else. My heart was broken when we left our NC family but God took my heart and steered it toward those that He loves so much in downtown Omaha. What a gift! See, He showed us a way to love others and, in His Wisdom, He has shown us how much He loves us.

My heart is so overwhelmed. In a year's time, God has transformed a meal served into a meal shared with friends and family. And, it's not just the soup and the bread. I have wondered lately just how mutual our friendship was with those we see each Sunday. I mean, I know they appreciate the hot, home-cooked meal, and the clothing, and the hygiene items. I know they know we care about them and want to help. I know they look forward to us coming each week as much as we look forward to going. But, is the relationship simply between those who serve and those who are served? I want to think no but haven't been sure.

God answered me in a huge way this week and not just once. I think He wanted me to get this message loud and clear. Here's how He answered the questions in my heart:

  • I received a call Wednesday from Katie at Mosaic Community Development Center. It was about Doug. It was bad news. She called me because Tom, a friend of Doug's and ours who lives by the river, stopped in to tell her to call us. He knew we would want to know.
  • Keith called us last night to remind us to bring a shovel for the snow and a wrench for the propane tank (we forgot it last time.) He joked with Christian when he answered the phone, asking if he had reached the Laney Academy for Gifted Children. Christian, of course, said, "Yes," and then figured out it was Keith and laughed. Keith used the shovel we brought today and did a fine job. We're in this thing together.
  • I mentioned to John in line today that it had been a rough week. He went on to get his soup but made a point ask me later why my week was tough. I shared with him that losing Uncle Cy and Doug this week on top of the tragedy at the mall last week and the busyness of the season had me in a bit of a whirl. He offered understanding and advice. It was good advice. This next week will be a week of chilling out. No school, no appointments. Cookie baking, relaxing, some shopping, wrapping gifts, reflection. I hope it will be a fun week for our family as we enjoy the Season and exhale.
  • Mark brought some coloring books, crayons and a cute stuffed animal to Erin today. JoAnn brought her some candy. She also wanted Dave's and my picture on her cell phone (she actually took one last week but didn't save it right - Do-over!)
Mutual care. Friendship. Unconditional love.

I spent the better part of a year pining for my friends in Charlotte. I still miss them terribly but God has been at work filling in the holes. He has given us amazing friends here who share our heart and our faith. He has allowed us to jump in to His mission and, in doing so, He has given us friends in downtown Omaha that we never would have had. Our life is more rich. For the first time, today, I heard a song that we had sung in worship at UCF and instead of being instantly 'transported' back to a Sunday morning in Charlotte, I thought of our friends downtown. Romans 8:28.

He has taught me so much in this past year. I have so much more to learn. Nick asked us if we were going to keep going downtown until God tells us to stop. We said yes.

I hope it never stops.

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