Monday, February 19, 2007

Didya ever feel like....

God was watching you??

Not like the, "Whatya' doin' now!?" kind of watching but the, "I got your back" kind of watching. That feeling like you are the little baby bear facing the great big mean lion and the lion is backing down cause you got the big papa bear behind you? Okay, so weird thoughts go through my head! But anyways...I feel like that today and, actually, lots of days lately.

I went to find some boot inserts for one of our guys. He is in a wheelchair and his feet swell so he can't wear regular shoes. He thought boot inserts would open up enough to keep his feet warm but still fit. Right now he wears layers and layers of socks which is not enough in our climate. A couple of the people who serve on Sundays will testify that even with wool socks and those '-degree temp boots' their feet still get cold!

Anyways, we found them online at Cabela's and there happens to be a brand new one not far from us. So I went in and asked and they said it was an internet-only item and that, even at that, they are out of stock and wouldn't be available till next Fall. I was crushed. I told the salesman what they were for and asked him to help me find the warmest socks available and I would search some more on the internet when I got home. He found me some $14 socks (AHHH!) and suggested slippers. Now, in my head, I'm thinking, "hmmmm, slippers from Cabela's, very pricey." So he shows me these $40 really great slippers with high ankles. I'm thinking Dave is going to shoot me if I spend this much!

So this other guy walks out of the back and says he is packing those slippers up 'right now' to go to Wash. D.C. for the winter! Jeff goes back and finds a couple of pairs sizes 14 and 15! That, in itself, is amazing. But you would only know that if you had really big feet! So, I decided to take them and Jeff talks to his manager to get some help with the price. He comes back to tell me he wishes he could give them to me for free, but he can't. His manager, however, can give me a really deep discount and.....Jeff pulls a $20 bill out of his wallet!!!! I go to the counter to pay not knowing the discount amount but knowing I have $20 towards the price. The manager charges me $19.95 for the slippers and $7.98 for the socks! Eight dollars for a size 14 pair of the warmest slippers and socks I have ever seen! God did that for Robert!

Now, think about this for a minute. God set all that up! The timing. The people involved. The availability of a special size. He is so incredibly amazing! Divine appointments.

I have to tell you that we, in the last few months, have spent lots of time shopping and collecting items for individuals downtown. And, we had grown weary. We have had discussions about whether it was the best use of our time and resources to shop for individuals. Here's what I think, for what it's worth.

Our main focus has been to care for people. Whether it be physical needs being met, spiritual needs being helped, or just friendship. I think that, in the last four months, God has really shown Himself most through the meeting the of physical needs of our friends downtown. He has provided specific items when we have needed them most. He has provided cash for the expenses that were too big for us to handle in addition to all the other stuff. He has put other organizations in our path that are helping us every week to keep up with some of the needs.

There is no doubt, when you look at the humongosity (is that a word? It should be!) of what He has provided that He is in charge and is driving this thing. There is no room for us to doubt His presence and His provision. There is no way we can take credit for any of it. He is driving the boat and all the glory goes to Him and Him alone.

I love that we are part of what God is doing! I love the guys and gals we spend Sunday afternoons with! I love to watch God work!

Step back and watch God work in your life this week.

p.s. I wonder if the Jeffs at Cabela's realize that they were instruments of God today....I think I will write them and let them know. :D

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