Monday, June 11, 2007

My Insides are boiled!

So, here we are having a great time in the park with all our friends yesterday. Great weather, good food, laughter, relaxed.....and then this guy comes walking up with fancy sunglasses and a travel mug.

He asks what church we are from, introduces himself as "blah blah" from a big, west-end church and asks me why we are feeding people in the park. So I tell him, thinking maybe he would like to help out.

He proceeds to tell me that he recently moved downtown from the suburbs 'out west'. So, I'm thinking that he's going to say he has a heart for this community and he moved to be closer. Nope, wrong on both counts. He spouts that he lived down here and that he is sick of 'these people' urinating, defacating, and vomiting in HIS neighborhood. He doesn't want his kids to have to see that! WHAT????? I was hopping mad already but I tried to express to him that we were just trying to help, maybe make a small difference, give a good meal, meet some people, you know.

He asked me if we have parks where we live. I said yes, wondering where this was going. He asked if we have 'people like these' in our parks. I said not usually. He said then we should get busses, round em up and feed them in our parks! By this time I am so mad my insides were shaking!

Now, keep in mind, this guy has already indicated that he is a churchgoer. So I told him that I think his pastor would be ashamed that he was representin' his church (in a nice way, of course. :) ) He then went on to tell me that I was wrong in assuming that he did nothing for Jesus. He, after all, knows several pimps and their ladies on Park Avenue and he invites them to church all the time. So, I said, how's that workin' for ya? He said he tried to pick up a couple just this morning and they declined. And, anyways, the people at church 'scoff' at them. Hmmmm...

So, then he moves on to another subject and asks me where we go to church. I told him that this is our church. Then he lays into me about how we all need to be under a 'five-fold ministry'. WHAT? I wanted to ask him how that was workin' for him but that was such an obvious answer, I didn't ask.

I told him that his attitude was not very loving and I didn't appreciate him talking about our friends like this and I thought he should leave. He said, "Well, that's a really loving response."

I directed him to Dave and he told him that I was mad at him and had asked him to leave. No details.

So.....I don't know if I said what I should have said. Hindsight is always 20/20. Don't know if the Spirit was leading or I was. I sure hope He was cause I was so worked up it's hard to tell. I didn't berate him or curse him, although I wanted to. I tried to stay composed. Heck, I'm all worked up just writing about it.

So, here's the silver lining....A friend was standing nearby. He asked what was going on and I told him in a nutshell. His first reaction was, "Hypocrite." Now, I don't know exactly what he believes about God. I know he reads a lot and I think he talked to my brother one time about the big bang. But that's the extent of it. So, he continues to say he's always had a problem with organized religion. You know, the crusades, the inquisition.... And, he says, "why do they always feel like they have to dress up? God doesn't care what you wear!" That started a conversation about God knowing each of our hearts and that that is what matters.

This guy's ignorance and lack of compassion opened up a conversation about God with someone. Go God!

In every one of satan's attempts to drag us down, to destroy what we know to be true, to discourage us, God has victory!

I prayed for the guy who interrupted our day. I pray that his journey leads him to discover a new way of living out his faith, a new compassion and a new heart for all people, not just the ones who are like him. I thank God for making good with it all. And I pray for my friend, today, that our conversation yesterday will lead to more conversations about God.

Overall, it was a great day. Lots of good stuff.

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