Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Bandana

We were driving, on Friday, to Heart Ministries as we do each week. As we were traveling down 24th Street Erin yelled out, "Hey! There's one of our guys!" It was Doug Etter on a bench in front of the McDonald's. We honked and waved but were in traffic and couldn't stop. He didn't see us but seeing him did remind me that he asked for a bandanna last Sunday. Now, there were bandannas provided last week but Doug had already gone when they were realized and given out. So I made a mental note and kept on my path to gather stuff.

So we get to Heart and get all the things on our list, go into the clothing closet to get men's clothes and I see a box with men's hats in it. Now, I have already forgotten about Doug's bandanna by now. Shame on me! But as I lift up the hats what is there but a black bandanna! So I grab it and it is kind of clinging to the women's scarf-y thing and I start to put it back. It was kind of stuck to it. After a split-second reconsideration, I decide to separate it from the scarf and take it to Doug. When we left Heart we drove back up to McD's to see if Doug was still around. He wasn't so we decided to drive down Cuming St. to see if he was near the shelter. Down to 16th Street but no Doug. So, not being able to let it go for some reason I drive down in front of the library to see if he's in the park. No Doug. By this time I am getting tired and decide to wait till Sunday. We drive down 14th past Farnam St. to go around the block back to the interstate.

Christian immediately starts begging to go to the library. No, I say. I'm tired. I've been gone all day and I only have 50 cents for the meter. He says that's plenty for him to run in and get books. I know better because Juan and Keith are in there and they like to chat! I'm seeing parking ticket, you know what I mean?? So I say no as we head east. As we turn to go back North I'm still saying no but my resolve is weakening – he wears me down and I give in. We turn West on Farnam to go over to the library and we see Frank limping horribly up the sidewalk. Miraculously, there are no cars parked on that entire block so we whip in and call Frank over. He can barely walk and he asks us to take him to the hospital as he thinks he must have broken his leg.

We say sure and load him in the car. After we dropped Frank and Christian off at Emergency and parked our car we were walking into the hospital and Nick pipes up, "You know how amazing God is mom??" I say yes and he says so excitedly and with wonder, "God set up our meeting with Frank on the street that day because Frank needed help." See, God used a bandanna and my weak resolve with my child to get us to Frank. Amazing! All we have to do is keep our eyes open to realize the miracles He works every day! See, this bacterial infection in his leg (celulitis), left much longer, could have killed Frank. Nick told Frank that God set that up and Frank teared up a little and said, "No one would help me, Robin." God knew Frank needed help and he led us there to give us the opportunity to do so. When no one else would help Frank, God helped Frank. I am grateful for His persistence! Frank is grateful for another day. I am hopeful for Frank. I might give Frank the bandanna. :)

Keep your eyes, ears, and hearts open this week! He's working!

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